Unveiling the Tapestry: The Gene-Environment Interplay in Drug Abuse
Guest Speaker: Dr Yasmin Hurd
Exploring the Neurobiological Foundations of Substance Use Disorders
Guest Speaker: Dr Muhammad Parvaz
Crossing Borders: Substance Misuse and Mental Health Challenges in East African Refugee and Migrant communities
Guest Speaker: Dr Mohamed Ibrahim
Crossing Borders: Exploring Substance Misuse Challenges in North American Somali Migrant and Refugee Communities
Guest Speakers: Yussuf Shafie & Hannah Ali
Jasmine Nights, Hidden Fights: Drug Misuse in North Africa
Guest Speakers: Professor Nabil Ben Salah & Eya Hariz
Trends, Challenges and Prospects in Novel Psychoactive Substance Research and Policy
Guest Speaker: Dr Jessica Neicun
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