Hajer Karoui

Hajer Karoui is a Research Assistant at King’s College London, with Tunisian and Moroccan backgrounds. Having earned a Master’s degree in Research in Experimental Neuroscience from Imperial College London and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Drexel University (USA), Hajer currently combines her expertise in both fields to study brain development in low to middle income countries as part of the UNITY (Ultra-low field Neuroimaging for the Young) network. Her work with UNITY involves supporting neuroimaging studies in low and middle income countries (LIMCs).

Previously during her 3 years at Imperial College London as the Tissue Bank Manager and a Research Assistant, Hajer focused on disease progression modelling and potential interventions for Multiple Sclerosis. Her side projects include investigating brain network dynamics and cognition in various clinical cohorts.

Furthermore, Hajer is committed to supporting causes related to healthcare, medical technology, digital literacy, and technology education through volunteering for non-profit organisations.


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